JJ-Tesla E88CC Gold Pins Tubes

New product

25,00 €

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Ultra-selected JJ E88CC Gold Pins tubes. This new version of the acclaimed JJ E88CC sounds exceptionally well and we accurately selected and matched only the best tubes, rejecting about the 25% of the lot. So, we obtained only the best selected tubes, at the very lowest rate of noise and microphonics.

A replacement of the highest quality for any 6DJ8 or ECC88.

An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with incredible detail.

The new JJ 6922 is the best new 6922 and will sound great in all the best hi-end equipment. Warmer and sweeter than the Sovtek 6922.

We now stock the new super-high quality JJ audio tubes. These tubes have consistently outperformed the competition in tone and sonic performance. Quality is the best we have seen from this factory.

JJ Overview
JJ Electronic was formed in 1993 out of the privatization of Tesla company. It is located in the heart of Europe, in the Slovak Republic. With over 25 years of experience in development and manufacturing of electron tubes, our staff is ready to meet the demands of today`s HI-FI and music instruments markets. JJ ELECTRONIC manufactures tubes on proven Tesla equipment modernized with the latest technology. 
JJ Testing
Every tube is electrically tested for parameters such as isolation characteristics, the electrode's current levels covering the entire operating curve, the condition of the vacuum, cathode emission capability, filament voltage and current levels. A microphonic test is performed on every tube. All tubes are then further burned-in for a period of 24 hours at the nominal specified operating voltage and current levels. Every month, a random sample is taken from the production to perform a life test of 5 000 hours at nominal operating conditions or 1000 hours at maximum specified levels.

Information on tube matching

  1. Paulo Nóbrega
    2021-08-18 09:48
    is ths the fixed version?
    • PlayStereo
      2021-08-18 14:26
      Yes, we confirm that it is the fixed version.
  2. Rikorock
    2021-03-22 11:58
    Salve, il DAC in questione è in qualche modo difettato o è stato solo un reso pari al nuovo?Grazie
  3. Fanto
    2021-01-06 14:30
    Questa valvola va bene per un aeron a 160?
    • PlayStereo
      2021-01-06 14:49
      Buongiorno, confermiamo che si tratta della valvola perfetta per sostituire la 6DJ8.
  4. aleanimazione1
    2020-06-06 14:17
    Rispetto alle Genalex Gold Lion?
    • PlayStereo
      2020-06-07 11:22
      Le JJ E88CC gold pin sono tra le migliori valvole JJ poiché è a loro dedicato uno dei migliori macchinari di produzione di JJ. Suonano molto bene. Detto questo, probabilmente le Genalex possiedono una resa ancora più completa e dinamica.

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