JJ-Tesla E88CC Gold Pins Tubes
Ultra-selected JJ E88CC Gold Pins tubes. This new version of the acclaimed JJ E88CC sounds exceptionally well and we accurately selected and matched only the best tubes, rejecting about the 25% of the lot. So, we obtained only the best selected tubes, at the very lowest rate of noise and microphonics.
A replacement of the highest quality for any 6DJ8 or ECC88.
An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with incredible detail.
The new JJ 6922 is the best new 6922 and will sound great in all the best hi-end equipment. Warmer and sweeter than the Sovtek 6922.
We now stock the new super-high quality JJ audio tubes. These tubes have consistently outperformed the competition in tone and sonic performance. Quality is the best we have seen from this factory.
Dopo aver provato varie valvole N.O.S.,ho acquistato queste JJ.Che dire....MICROFONICITà Assente-RUMORE Bassissimo e...suono formidabile,di una precisione-dettaglio e Raffinatezza disarmanti.
Ovviamente,come al solito,per ottenere un buon risultato bisogna tener presente altri fattori.....quali cavi-diffusori-ambiente etc.etc.però se le valvole sono di QUALITà...si parte con il piede giusto.
Per concludere,un plauso va a tutto lo staff di Playstereo per la loro estrema cortesia e competenza.