JJ-Tesla ECC82 Gold Pin series Tubes
JJ ECC82 / 12AU7 Gold Pin is considered to be one of the best for quality audio hifi applications. They simply sound better in most applications than the other new 12AU7s. Most players prefer them for their refined and slightly warm sound.
Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise.
We now stock the new super-high quality JJ audio tubes. These tubes have consistently outperformed the competition in tone and sonic performance. Quality is the best we have seen from this factory.
Overall rating
1 Review
Paolo Cristallini
Arrivata in 24 h come al solito! Ottima valvola, non cara ma dal suono immediatamente preciso, dettagliato, pieno. L'ho montata sul piccolo ampli per cuffia Bravo Audio V2, rivalvolato con risultato ottimo