JJ-Tesla ECC83 S Tubes
JJ 12AX7S is considered to be one of the best for guitar and hifi applications. They simply sound better in most guitar amps than the other new 12AX7s. Most players prefer them for their warm sparkly sound.
Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise.
This is the latest 12AX7 offering from JJ. The original JJ ECC83 was a great tube and came very, very close to my all time favorite Telefunken 12AX7’s. In fact it was very hard to tell them apart in some amps. The new "S" tube is even better! A tighter low end, a more natural and even more defined mid and the high end has more detail and is even sweeter than the original. The best part is that you can buy a new tube that sounds this good for one tenth the price of an NOS Telefunken.
We now stock the new super-high quality JJ audio tubes. These tubes have consistently outperformed the competition in tone and sonic performance. Quality is the best we have seen from this factory.
il terzetto di valvole è stato installato su pre Simply Phono Unison Research. Si comportano egregiamente, consigliate almeno 10/20 ore di rodaggio.