Second hand product, in very good conditions with manual and external power supply XPS 7B, without original box, 1 year warranty.
Topping PRE90 NFCA Balanced / Unbalanced Preamplifier
Topping PRE90 NFCA Balanced/Unbalanced Preamplifier
Ultra-High Performance NFCA modules
Pre90 uses the similar NFCA (Nested Feedback Composite Amplifier) module from flagship A90. Voltage Current hybrid feedback architecture along with UHGF (Ultra High Gain Feedback) technology provides excellent DC and AC performance. Ultra-low noise of 0.3uV is miles ahead of the competition, giving an absurdly high dynamic range of 145dB and no audible noise.
Fully balanced amplifier structure for both balanced and single-ended signals
Pre90 adopts a fully balanced structure, which can handle balanced and single-ended signal processing. The output can be balanced, single-ended or balanced and single-ended. With the balanced and single-ended two-way input, in addition to the normal preamplifier usesage, Pre90 can be used for "balanced to single-ended" or "single-ended to balanced" signal conversion.
A wire with amplification
An excellent preamp should have top performance, just like a wire that can amplify signals.
Amplify the weak audio signal to acceptable level
With the help of maximum gain +16 dB, Pre90 can easily amplify the weak input signal to the acceptable levels of any amplifier. It is worth mentioning that since the noise is as low as 0.3uVrms, this step does not bring in audible noise while amplifying the signal.
Relay volume control
A large number of high quality Japanese small signal relays are used for volume control of the Pre90. This brings the advantages of precise control, remote control, longevity, and complete channel balance. If the volume is set to high whilst turning on the Pre90, it will automatically reduced to a safe volume to avoid your speakers/headphones getting damaged.
Safe Volume, so you don't get shocked
The safe volume feature on Pre90 will kick in when the saved volume of the target input or output exceeds the set safe volume, and reduces the output to safe volume, protecting your expensive equipments and your priceless hearing. The safe volume function can be turned off in the settings.
Selectable XLR/RCA output
The output of Pre90 can be configured to "XLR only", "RCA only" or "XLR and RCA". Therefore, the amplified signal can be connected to two different amplifiers.
Volume memory for every input or output
Pre90 can set the volume memory for each input or volume memory for each output. When multiple inputs with different signal strengths are connected, switching the input often requires re-adjusting the volume at the same time. Pre90 can set the volume memory for each input, and automatically adjust to the last volume setting when switching to that input. If Pre90 was set volume memory for each output, then the volume of "XLR output only", "RCA output only", and "XLR and RCA output" will be memorised to adapt to the needs of different amplifiers.
Topping Ext90 is the perfect extension for Topping PRE90
(Optional product, sold separately)
Technical Features
Product Type | Preamplifier |
Input | 1x XLR Balanced 1x RCA Unbalanced |
Output | 1x XLR Balanced 1x RCA Unbalanced |
Dimensions | 22.2 x 16 x 4.5cm |
Châssis Material | Aluminium |
Package | 1x Topping Pre90 1x Remote Control 1x Schuko power cable |
Premesso che sono un ascoltatore occasionale e ascolto solo in digitale, mi sono orientato su questo pre per alcuni motivi:
1. è piccolo, ha un form factor che permette di inserirlo nella catena senza grandi stravolgimenti
2. possedevo già il DAC D90 (acquistato lo scorso anno) della casa e ne sono soddisfatto
3. ne ho letto bene su audio science review, per cui avevo già un riscontro positivo nell'acquisto del sopra detto DAC
La mia catena è composta da un impianto di livello medio-basso per il mondo hifi (es. i diffusori sono due Sonus Faber Liuto) e quando acquisto un nuovo componente da inserire è finalizzato unicamente a incrementarne la trasparenza, considerato che ascolto in soggiorno con nessun trattamento acustico, non ho altri obiettivi.
Il pre della topping ha raggiunto questo scopo, per cui mi ritengo un acquirente soddisfatto, anche se, devo fare un appunto: il telecomando funziona in modo terribile: l'angolo di incidenza e la distanza dall'apparecchio tollerate sono minime (penso meno di 30gradi di angolo e 2 metri di distanza), per cui se la comodità del telecomando è un requisito essenziale non lo consiglio affatto, se invece desiderate un pre trasparente posso dire che la mia esperienza è molto positiva.
Il pre, anche in relazione al prezzo, è da 5 stelle; il telecomando da 1 stella...