Acoustic Revive RIQ-5010 Pure Smoky Quartz Insulator (Set of 4)
Acoustic Revive RIQ-5010 Set of 4 Pure Smoky Quartz Insulator discs. Made from natural crystal quartz obtained from raw ore. Improve sound vividly.
RIQ-5010 is carved one by one from a mass of natural crystal quartz obtained from raw ore. Insulators that are made of metal or the quartz glass generate hard and sharp sound. RIQ-5010 never generates such sounds. If placed under the device it controls the vibration, and improves sound quality extremely vividly, smoothly, warmly. Additionally, the sound is well-modulated, and the rise time and decay time are both quickly, these two opposite values can be compatible.
You place RIQ-5010 near the cable, near the power supply or on the top board and then you will find the sound image is changed becoming clearer and more transparent.
Dimensions: diameter 50mm x 10mm thickness
Weight: 50g
Detailed description
An attractive sound quality that only pure auartz has!
Conventional insulators generate their unique tone according to the physical characteristic or the property of their each material, and it is only important whether their generated tone suit listener's taste or not. We, Acoustic Revive, have tested every possible material that never generates own tone of the material and improves sound quality. Finally we found out pure smoky quartz and pure quartz as a material of the insulator. Pure smoky quartz and pure quartz don't generate their own tone, and they improve the sound quality. Additionally, repoducing sound becomes livelier. You must be surprise that the sound of the instruments or human voice have changed incredibly livelier, and extremely vividly. .
The RIQ-5010 has many effects besides using as an insulator.
If you place the RIQ-5010 on the top plate of your equipment or near the input/output terminals, you can get the effects of improving sound. There are some theories why the quartz improves sound. Some say that the pure quartz absorbs an electromagnetic wave, some another say that the pure quartz controlls vibration, or that the pure quartz radiate far infrared light. Anyway pure quartz have effects of improving sound that are never gained from the other materials.
We try to secure ore, and try to keep producing the RIQ-5010 as long as possible.
Pure smoky quartz and pure quartz are both very scarce materials. We try to secure ore, and try to keep producing the RIQ-5010 as long as possible. But when we can't get ore, we stop producing the RIQ-5010 and hte RIQ-5010W.
Note: Because of using pure quartz, crystal structures or impurities are shown inside of RiQ-5010 in some cases. Please accept it.
How to use.
- Under the legs of the electronic. It is the orthodox way of use. RIQ-5010 never generates unique tone, and it improves sound quality.
- Over the top plate of the device. Vibration measures of the top plate. It is expected the effects of controling Vibration and reinforcing of the top plate. And it doesn't generate the character cased by ceramics insulator or metal insulator.
- Between the speaker and the speaker stand. When you use RIQ-5010 for the floorstanding loudspeaker, you place it between under the speaker and the underboard, or between the spaker and the floor. (Notice:RIQ-5010 is weak in an acute-angled load).
- Under the cables. For Vibration measures.
- On the receptacle box. For Vibration measures of the power receptacle box and AC 50/60Hz waves.
- Near the input / output terminals connected cables. For controling vibration of the audio rack, and it is expected that RIQ-5010 controls electromagnetic waves and noises.

Sto provando gli Acoustic Revive RIQ-5010 , questi dischi isolanti di puro quarzo hanno un effetto straordinario , per farli funzionare basta seguire le istruzioni date dalla stessa Acoustic Revive . In ogni caso o messi sopra le elettroniche o sotto i piedini (anche se di gomma) , funzionano uguale . Ciò che essi migliorano è la gamma bassa , diventa più profonda e articolata come pure il medio basso ma soprattutto tutta la gamma sonora ha più armoniche , il suono acquista dolcezza , c’è più aria fra gli strumenti , più tridimensionalità. Provate a tenere i dischi di quarzo nel vostro impianto per qualche giorno, abituatevi al suono del vostro impianto con loro in posizione corretta , ovviamente , poi toglieteli e poi ............. mi saprete dire che succede ! Certo il vostro impianto, come il mio suonerà uguale ma , c’è un ma , il vostro suono , come il mio , non è più lo stesso di prima . Gli manca qualcosa , quelle armoniche in più su tutta la gamma udibile, il timbro degli strumenti diverso , esso sembra più elettrico , invece con i dischi al quarzo essi acquistano in naturalezza , dolcezza , analogicità . Potrà sembrare strano ai più , visto anche il costo non proprio economico , credetemi vale la pena di poterli avere , insieme a tanti altri piccoli aggiustamenti si riesce ad avere un livello sonoro di qualità eccellente , PROVARE PER CREDERE .
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