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New product
The new DAC3 chips ensure:
The sonic result will be a dramatic upgrade an all parameters and in particular:
Adagio & Pavane Quantity: 8
Jade & Onyx Quantity: 4
Amethyst Quantity: 2
Flint: Not recommended
Other Metrum DAC models: Upgrade not compatible
Indicated price is for n.1 dac3 module
Metrum Acoustic at a glance
All Engineering (AE) is a company with a history of innovation in many fields within the world of electronic design. In the audio industry AE is primarily known today for its brand Metrum Acoustics. In the electrostatic speaker field their experience dates back to 1989 and gradually over time broader electronic applications have evolved.
A diverse range of acoustic system products have been created during this period, always relying on sound electronic design principles. Digital signal processing has played a significant role in more recent developments.
In hi fidelity audio AE’s attention was initially drawn to the limited availability of certain componentry. Established manufacturers supplying these key components decide how signals should be processed. No alternatives are available and therefore this greatly influences the sound image that is realised.
Current trends among manufacturers are to use the technique of ‘oversampling’ or ‘upsampling’ within the digital to analogue chipset itself. This forces designers to utilise this method of signal conversion for their own products. It also means that many brand systems use the same building blocks and consequently sound the same. The sound images created by such systems can actually betray the componentry that has been implemented.
These sampling techniques were introduced to fulfil the need ‘to smooth’ the conversion process from digital to analogue and prevent phase distortion. Particularly during the years following the introduction of CD replay, conversion methods proved insufficient with regard to sonic artefacts. In response strong filtering methods were employed and the oversampling technique was born. These techniques however had disadvantages which manifest themselves for example in areas of transient response.
Today there is a growing view that ‘non oversampling’ or NOS for short, offers many benefits but without the compromises mentioned above. AE dedicated considerable time and attention to researching the NOS premise and found its audible benefits valid up to a certain point.
The question then remained how to remove these sonic artefacts without resorting to oversampling. This question was answered by the first product made by AE the NOS mini DAC Quad, a digital to analogue converter designed and manufactured with modern high speed industrial grade chipsets, free from most of the disadvantages of the past. These techniques are improved over time and used over the entire range of products. The most important result is the sound, which was never so close to the analog origin.
ça change la vie
Aujourd'hui, le 31/03/2022, je viens de recevoir 2 modules DAC3 pour un Amethyst.
A peine arrivés, ils sont montés et essayés.
Avec les DAC2, c'était déjà pas mal, là...c'est...pas trouvé de mots pour qualifier le bond en avant que cela procure.
Great upgrade for Metrum Adagio
I only just received the modules. It is recommended to let them burn in for a while, so it might even get better from here. Still, the upgrade is already very obvious in many ways, greater separation, deeper bass extension and better bass control, greater amount of details without sounding analytical, highly recommended. Also great service from playstereo!
Ottimo salto di qualità
Ho deciso di acquistare i Metrum DAC3 dopo neanche un mese che avevo acquistato l' Onyx con i DAC2. Infatti avevo letto molte recensioni che parlavano dei DAC3 in maniera più che lusinghiera. Cosi ho pensato che se con i DAC 2 potevo ottenere un livello qualitativo cosi soddisfacente , con i DAC 3 avrei fatto il salto di qualità definitivo.
Confortato in questo anche dalle parole dell' esperto e gentilissimo signor Gerardo Ventura che mi ha rassicurato sul fatto che le prestazioni dell'ONYX con il DAC 3 erano sovrapponibili a quelle del Sonnet Morpheus.
Il montaggio dei DAC 3 al posto dei DAC 2 è una procedura molto semplice che si può eseguire autonomamente senza nessun problema particolare e seguendo delle semplici istruzioni.
Appena montati i DAC 3 ho subito notato un salto di qualità sia come dettaglio che come ampiezza della scena sonora. E man mano che il rodaggio proseguiva il miglioramento si è fatto ancora più netto. Ottima dinamica, con un suono molto naturale e fluido che permette di poter ascoltare a lungo e senza fatica. Soundstage molto ampio, ed un suono molto ricco con strumenti e voci talmente reali che alle volte sembra di essere ad un concerto dal vivo.
Chi ha ancora i DAC 2 e volesse fare un vero salto di qualità a mio parere farebbe bene a prendere seriamente in considerazione questo upgrade che ti regala un DAC di altissimo livello che potrà essere quello definitivo per molti anni.