Playstereo® is an independent customer-centric ecommerce specialized into the field of hi-end & consumer electronics that reasons with the same customers' passion for music in mind.
Hi, my name is Gerardo Ventura . . .
Before we start, I want to introduce myself and let you know what this site is about ( and, more important, what it's NOT about).
This site is NOT about playing with sounds and electronics -- instead, we are inspired by the concert halls. Where the live magic of music is, and it enchants. Not by an imaginary reproduction system that should be perfect and... it remains off.
This site is NOT about buying hi-fi products by the kilo -- we design solutions for true music enthusiasts. For the ones that love music and like listening any moment, and musically grow. But we also keep up to date on the best of the market offering, anchored to the tradition of authentic High Fidelity, on the vinyl universe, with a careful eye for new digital technologies, headphones and portables.
Now is the time to browse a catalogue that is NOT a casual one, to discover products and solutions designed for the happiness of your life of listening.
Enjoy your music, discover the news and... don't worry if you have too much questions in mind. It happens to everyone. We always are available to take care of your musical path.
Since launching in October 2004, PlayStereo has proposed itself as a qualified, innovative, independent operator in the world of High Fidelity Audio reproduction. A pioneer of innovation on selection and level of service, PlayStereo offers its catalogue to a monthly audience of tens of thousands via a multi-channel ecosystem, including amazon, eBay, Facebook, playstereo.com, offering a seamless shopping experience across mobile, tablet and desktop.
PlayStereo promotes unparalleled customer service – working in sinergy with express european shipping agencies to deliver ( within 12am next day in Italy and next day in Europe) perfectly packed premium products for audio reproduction, and easy returns. Skilled consultation for music listeners available 24/7.
Europe and NON-EU Customer: you are welcome. European Customer, you may register as firm with EU VAT No. and make purchases VAT free. NON-EU Customer, please contact us for any customs matter before the purchase.
PLAYSTEREO is part of Audio Azimuth, the firm founded in March 2001 by Mr. Gerardo Ventura ( that's about it).
Audio Azimuth di Gerardo Ventura
Via Nazionale Adriatica Nord 565
65125 Pescara
Electronic Devices Producer National Registry n. IT08020000002882
AEE National Registry No. IT08020000002882
Batteries Producer National Registry No. IT09060P00000861
Environmental National Managing Authority No. AQ/006078
® PlayStereo is a Registered Trademark on U.I.B.M.
We look and select products that pass our listening tests, with a high value, and the majority of them is available to be ordered for immediate shipping. On several products we allow a 30 days try&buy with return at our charge and total refund.
Internet just changed the way Hi-Fi enthusiasts inform, evolve and choose, so our wishing is to make available a lot of information for every product. Each request from you is high priority and in case of order you are going to experiment a first class after-sale service. This means you may select the products you prefer, at competitive prices, make payment with your credit card (or other methods), and will receive them comfortably at home within a very short time, with the money back warranty. Many brands are also available to be purchased through our dealers.
To obtain the maximum listening pleasure, you may design your system for music reproduction, replace the existing components, add useful accessories to increase in value qualities and sinergies, and discover the full potential.
We insert in our catalogue SPECIAL audio components, provided with natural timbre class and right balance, for a long-term satisfaction: the best brands on analogue and digital sources, amplifiers, loudspeakers, cables, rack-stands, analogue accessories, precision selected tubes and many other products, with a lot of audiophile-wanted brands.
We do pay attention to set the best prices with a service to customer on high standards, inspired on opening and transparence.
Furthermore, basing on our hi-end experience, we are specialized to deliver low-cost systems that allow a satisfactory high-fidelity listening experience.
But not only .
We offer you the right way of listening with a really expert advice, and systems capable to raise the self-explanatory power of music.An essencial, intuitive, powerful help for the full musical understanding, the result of many years of listening and in-depth analysis in the filed of music perception.
- Great quality product and a working-well logistics
- A real consultation
- All warranties
Playstereo Studio
It's an atelier where you may receive personalized expert advice, listening our choices, evaluate them... come and see us, there are many products in demonstration.
If you'd like to visit us, please contact us to fix an appointment at info(at)playstereo.com. How to arrive. We are in Pescara, Via Nazionale Adriatica Nord 565.
( Destination charger with free recharge for customers’ EV, Type 2 connector, 17kW).
In the PlayStereo Studio you may find different demo sections: systems for high-fidelity music reproduction, an headphone dedicated corner, USB DAC based systems, our turntables and the analogue world, including the vinyl cleaning systems.
Furthermore, PlayStereo Studio is a specialized atelier to satisfy advanced listening requirements; an expert responsible advice to design and install audio systems for any musical art enthsiast, audiophiles, musicians, expert listeners. The ability to understand, install and optimize in the correct way a High Fidelity system is CRUCIAL for your life of natural listening.
How and why
The answer to che growing trend of many audio systems to turn into an excessively spectacular performance, that deprive music of its own tone. The result is that those systems tends to not satisfiyng the good listeners and audiophiles, or they seems doing it for a short period.
Our systems are designed with a natural balanced result in mind, to reproduce in the REAL special way the atmosphere and the emotion of live music.
Infact, listening is one of the main means to understand the musical language. When the listening make happens using a system that is endowed with bettered features of "musical sensibility", understood as the ability to transmit the intimate and "secret" structure of the reproduced music, it simplifies the meaning sense creations of a musical text.
Who call us
Our proposal is focused to all audiophiles the are looking for an authentic long-lasting listening satisfaction, to ease the growth of the musical knowledge; to all music enthusiasts, to musicians, to music teachers and musicologists; to the expert listener, the collector, and also the listener lacking of musical background, as long as sensible and enthusiast towards the "art of music" - the so-called "good listener".
Come and listen our systems that make easy the development and the full musical comprehension, that represent the thinnest emotive nuances and emphasize the internal flow of music.
PlayStereo is going to plan in the Playstereo Studio informal meetings with guided listenings, to aid and enhance the listening abilities, for any music lover also if lacking of musical knowing. Our systems for music reproduction bring to a better knowledge of music and to a growing of the listening pleasure.
If you love music as we do, you'd like listening in the right way. We would like to thank to all enthusiasts that directly or not, with their suggestions and recommendations do contribute to the development of this project.
"If anyone finds beautiful a music that I can't understand, it's me losing something; if a person which I appreciate musical tastes find beautiful a piece that says nothing to me it's right to persist in listening, because sooner or later will appear the revelation; the music comes when it's time..."
Federico C., 13 dicembre 2015
zap, 26 Gennaio 2016
patty, 21 Gennaio 2016
Gianluca M., 25 novembre 2015
Riccardo F., 11 ottobre 2015
Pier Luigi M., 21 gennaio 2016
Angelo, 19 Dicembre 2015
Salvatore C., 01 Novembre 2015
“Un riferimento per il mondo audiofilo. Grande venditore, grande professionalità, competenza e affidabilità. Un livello commerciale decisamente superiore. Massima sicurezza, superfluo raccomandarlo.“