Acoustic Revive RR-888 Ultra Low-Frequency Pulse Generator
Acoustic Revive rr-888 is an even more refined and a better performer than the highly acclaimed RR-777, subtle improvements make this new model even more impressive than the RR-777.
The top selling Acoustic Revive RR-777 has been further refined to become the Acoustic Revive RR-888, subtle improvements have been made to make this very effective device even more impressive. The RR-888 is for export only and wont be sold in Japan.
There are the following advantages of RR-888(Comparing to RR-777):
1) Improvement of the accuracy of the waveform.
2) Further low-noise circuit.
3) Effect on sound, music is more emotionally involving.
The "Schumann Resonance" is a resonance frequency that exists in the Earth's "electromagnetic" cavity; i.e. it exists between terrestrial surface and ionosphere. German physicist W.O.Schumann first detected the resonant properties of this terrestrial cavity in 1954. It may be said that the Schumann Resonance is a breathing phenomenon of the Earth that is lasting from old time. The lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity )mode of the Schumann Resonance is at a frequency of approximately 7.83Hz.
Human and all animals and plants have been guarded by this frequency of 7.83Hz and lived for long time. But recently, many unnatural radio waves and electromagnetic waves disturb this frequency of 7.83Hz, it have caused wrong influence on our human bodies. We substantiate that there are many effects when the frequency of 7.83Hz is generated artificially.
- For audio equipments.
By generating the Schumann Resonance, there is an effect that it neutralizes electromagnetic waves generated from an audio equipment and external harmful radio waves. So interference of electromagnetic waves and radio waves that exist among equipments is disappeared, it becomes possible to reproduce the music clearer, the S/N ratio is improved higher and the distortion is reduced.
- For Listening room.
Also, by generating the Schumann Resonance, there is an effect that it neutralizes harmful standing waves. And it has the feature of improving the viscosity of the air in the listening room. Therefore, you can reproduce the excellent music, the sound is improved clearly audible, and the depth of the sound image is increased dramatically.
- For Listener.
It is established medically that generating theSchumann resonance activates the cellular immunity. And it is said that the Schumann resonance produces the good relaxation effects, and the attentiveness is raised greatly. So you can hear the details of the sounds that could not be heard before.
Ultra low-frequency pulse generator RR-888 is used in the major recording company!!
Because of the great effects of the RR-888, recording engineers or musicians take notice the RR-888. recently, the RR-888 is used for the recording process of the major recording company; it has given full play to its ability for not only recording equipments but also a live performance of a piano and other instruments. The RR-888 is also used at every music schools and concert.
RR-888 has effects about picture.
Picture quality is improved by the RR-888. The RR-888 brings a great ability of a projector, such as CRT Projectors, DLP Projectors, Liquid projectors. By using RR-888, the focus of the picture is improved certainly. We recommend that you use the RR-888 as final method of adjustment of the projector.
RR-888 is never contacted with devices.
When you connect the RR-888 to the wall receptacle with the AC adapter attached for it, you set the RR-888 at the place which height is over than 1m50cm in you room.
If the height of the location of the RR-888 is less than 1m50cm, effects become less. So you must make sure of the height of the setting position of the RR-888.
insomma non riesco più ad ascoltare la musica se non è acceso
consigliato caldamente
io lo ho messo a 2 mt di altezza
consigliato ad almeno 1,5 mt