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TTWeights SuperClamp Light 200g Aluminum
Material and Engineering Summary:
1. Machined from billet 6061 aircraft grade aluminum, both main body and collet
2. Finish: Diamond Machined and Hand Polished
3. Dimensions: 3.45 inch base diameter by 1.5 inches height
4. Weight: Light (7.0 oz/200 grams) All Aluminum
5. Minimum spindle height 1/8”
Designed for all Light suspended tables and light tables where a light weight and a clamp is preferable. The sound is wonderfully clean and crisp responding very well on these tables.
Engineered to Perform
This is truly designed for the demanding audiophiles. The body is machined from billet aluminum with internal grooves reducing mass (for lighter tables) ...weighing in at 200 grams. The high performance aircraft style soft collet is our own unique design; the collet and locking nut (top piece) are machined from a single part. The system uses two components vs. three. The older style of clamp uses mass produced machine collets, not very delicate, not designed for turntables and connected by a course threaded knob.
The body is machined from Billet aluminum and is trepanned to reduce weight and maintain the dampening effect of a rigid main body. The collet is a proprietary design gained from our many years of Aerospace and the use of hundreds of high precision collet systems down to .020 diameters. This collet is extremely well machined and provides rigid clamping of the TT spindle without the possibility of damaging the turntable spindle.
· Universal Fit CLAMP except Linear Tracking Turntables
· Cleaner sound, improved dynamics and frequency response
· Lower Distortion Levels
· Machined flats on body and collet for ease of grip
Caution: DO NOT DISSASSEMBLE; the collet system will be permanently damaged
Selecting the Right Turntable Clamp and or Weight System
The most common question is which clamp is Right for my Turntable? There are thousands of different types of Vintage and new Turntables in use today.
1 - Light and or Suspended Turntables
Typically both suspended and light duty tables should have no more than 1lb to 1.3 lb weight/clamp. In some cases a very light clamp system is the only solution without changing the suspension geometry of the table that is designed to support the weight of the platter (it may be heavy) but not a lot more. I have yet to see a table fail from a weight of 1lb like the TTWeight 1LB Aluminum and the other devices in this section. Suggested models:
- (Universal Use) TTWeights Classic 45 rpm Adaptor & Record Weight 191g St. Steel
- TTWeights Weight Record Clamp, 454g Aluminium
- TTWeights Performer Light Weight 375g Turntable Clamp Aluminium
- TTWeights RegaProject Record Weight 340g Aluminum
- TTWeights SuperClamp Light 200g Aluminum
- TTWeights SuperClamp 405g Brass Body Aluminum Collet
- TTWeights SuperClamp II 458g Brass Body Aluminum Collet
2 - Medium Duty and Generally Non-Suspended Turntables
There are suspension systems that may be tuned and or able to handle additional weight. It is important to understand the limitation of your turntable. Universal fit designed for Direct Drive and Robust and generally non suspended tables. We recommend this series be used on quality turntables with platters that should weigh more than 1.5 KG's. This is a rule of thumb; too light a table too light a spindle and bearing design. Any Turntables using this series should have quality bearings and not a light duty turntable. Mechanically the platters must be true, belts, drive wheels, shafts, spindles, bearing; bearing bushing must be in proper working order. The same applies to the electrons including motors, switches, speed controls and connections/wiring. Suggested models:
- TTWeights Weight Record Clamp, 454g Aluminium
- TTweights SuperWeight Stainless Version 810g Internally Dampened
- TTWeights Middle Weight Record Clamp 1050g Brass
- TTWeights Heavy Weight Record Clamp 1450g Brass
- TTWeights SuperClamp 405g Brass Body Aluminum Collet
- TTWeights SuperClamp 580g Brass Body Aluminum Collet
- TTWeights SuperClamp II 458g Brass Body Aluminum Collet
3 - High Definition, Heavy Duty Robust Turntables
This section includes robust high quality turntables. Mechanically the platters must be true, belts, drive wheels, shafts, spindles, bearing; bearing bushing must be in proper working order. The same applies to the electrons including motors, switches, speed controls and connections/wiring.
Warning: Any Turntables using the TTHeavyWeight (The BADBOY) must be of heavy duty design, no exceptions. Suggested Models:
- TTWeights Middle Weight Record Clamp 1050g Brass
- TTWeights Heavy Weight Record Clamp 1450g Brass
- TTWeights SuperClamp Heavy Series
TTWeights at a glance
The MAGIC is in the vinyl the challenge is extracting the sound... We offer the world’s largest and highest quality selection of Turntable Clamps and Weights.
We design, manufacture and sell high end and affordable Turntable and Audio Accessories specializing in complete Turntable Vinyl Clamping Systems, Copper and Carbon Fibre and Composite factory replacement Mats and Turntable Isolation.
Our highly engineered Turntable products are designed and crafted at our manufacturing facility, LJT Manufacturing in Newmarket, Ontario Canada. We own and operate LJT Manufacturing providing high end Aircraft Components for BOEING 737-200/300/400 Aircraft and have applied our technology to the improvement of home audio enjoyment at a reasonable price. 6. Larry Denham Audio Lover and President
sono soddisfatto della tempestivita' e velocita'dell'invio materiale richiesto,spedito il 7-12 e arrivato con uno splendido imballaggio mercoledi' 9,considerando che l'8-12 era festa.
Centro al primo colpo, grazie per il prezioso consiglio!
Il suono del mio LP 12 adesso è tutto più a fuoco.
Consigliato senza riserve.
Avendo un Linn LP12 non mi è stato facile trovare il giusto peso per un , necessario, clamp quando mi sono imbattuto nel sito Playstereo ed ho visto le caratteristiche di quest'ogetto meraviglioso dal peso perfetto, l'ho immediatamente ordinato ed appena arrivato ho potuto apprezzare le qualità elevatissime della realizzazione e non ultimo il sistema a mandrino ,non mostrato in foto, che si serra sul perno centrale e tende a tirare il clamp stesso verso il disco premendolo sul piatto con una forza molto maggiore del suo esiguo peso, EUREKA! Trovata la soluzione al mio problema, il mio Linn non si accorge neanche del peso del clamp ma fà del miei dischi un tuttuno con il piatto.Geniale nella sua semplicità. Grazie Playstereo per aver importato questo prodotto.
Siamo in presenza di una nuova generazione di clamps; senza per questo voler attribuire loro, a tutti i costi, capacità miracolistiche che andrebbero ricercate altrove. Ero già da tempo alla ricerca di un clamp di basso peso, ancorchè efficace nel fare il proprio dovere: ebbene, la mia pazienza è stata premiata. Ritengo che il merito risieda principalmente in due fattori chiave: i materiali impiegati e la costruzione. Ha preso il posto di un clamp più tradizionale, pesante circa un kg., che avevo abbandonato da tempo, per timore che a lungo andare potesse arrecare danno al perno o al motore, a causa della massa eccessiva. Questa esile (ma bella) ed economica creaturina ha permesso di ottenere una maggiore tridimensionalità dell'immagine sonora (con un soundstage + profondo), associata ad un + elevato livello di dettaglio ed impatto, il tutto assimilabile a gradevole luminosità. L'unico dubbio riguarda il basso, che risulta meno turgido, ma a mio avviso la spiegazione è nel fatto che esso è ora + teso e asciutto; prima, forse, aveva uno strascico eccessivo che con il TT è stato tagliato. Insomma, promosso a pieni voti!