Tellurium Q Blue II Speaker Cables
ATTENTION: Tellurium Q products can only be shipped in Italy, for this reason orders received from abroad will be canceled.
Blue II is the entry level speaker cable that was designed to be the companion to Tellurium Black and has been described by one well known manufacturer of speakers as having “good mid, but softer sounding” than the Tellurium Black. While having great detail and phase control is less revealing of a system than the Black.
NEW, it's now available the updated version "Blue II". The original Tellurium Q Blue, introduced around 2011, has been and still is a cable with an incredible quality-price ratio, and it shows a substancial taste of the same inner musical qualities of the Tellurium Q Black Series cables. The Series II update, come after about 9 years after the introduction of the original model, brings improvements on several parameters, without distorting the already reached fabolous balance: more detail and clarity, better extension in the top end and a better sense of musical reality. Obviusly, with the smothness, the fullness, and the musical atmosphere of a "true" Tellurium Q cable.
HiFi World has described the most noticeable qualities of this cable as being, “a welcome absence of muddle..” and, “a more neutral, focused, precise aura settled on the music. In fact the Blue cables exhibited a tremendous sense of control; something that I’ve never heard from any cable at this price point.”
( different lenghts can always be requested contacting us).