Tellurium Q Ultra Black II Speaker Cables
ATTENTION: Tellurium Q products can only be shipped in Italy, for this reason orders received from abroad will be canceled.
Ultra Black II
Even taking in account all the awards that the old Ultra Black speaker cable won, this new version gives a whole new level of performance that is obvious from the first second of listening. Greater detail, more clarity, more organic but still sitting very firmly in the Black cable family.
The first few people to have heard the new cable were surprised to say the least.
Old Ultra Black
Tellurium Ultra Black is the cable we wanted to make from day one. We told our UK distributor what to expect as we handed them a prototype that looked more like a fireman’s hose and less like a sonic phenomena. They glanced at the heavy, stiff and it has to be said ugly brown experiment. “Yes, well we will give it a go and take it to a few dealers to see what they think”. Later that day we get a phone call from our disbelieving UK distributors at Kog Audio, “what the hell is in it? We’ve never heard anything like this!”.
They took it on trust that the production version would be incredibly thin and flexible by comparison and look a whole lot better. So Kog Audio put in an advance order that day without needing to see or hear the production model because, in their words, “if it is even quarter as good as the prototype it will blow people away”.
We think that the production version sounds better than the prototype.
At first glance you could be forgiven for thinking that the Blue Diamond and Ultra Black were the same cable with different printing but when you plug the Ultra Black into your system there is absolutely no doubt that the Ultra Black is in a totally different league.”
Black Family: Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.
Different lenghts/terminations can always be requested contacting us.
Ho richiesto preventivamente la consulenza del sempre gentilissimo e competentissimo Sig. G. Ventura.
Ho atteso circa due mesi prima di dare un mio (modesto) giudizio perché volevo completare il rodaggio anche dopo quello (consigliatissimo) fatto da PLayStereo. Volendo rendere il mio impianto più coerente ho acquistato anche i cavi di segnale sempre Tellurium Q Ultra Black II . Non contento ho anche installato il il generatore di impulsi Acoustic Revive rr-888 .
Posso dire quindi che sono cavi stupendi, mi sembra ci sia più spazio tra gli strumenti nel palcoscenico sonoro, un basso più definito e corposo, le voci consistenti, bellissime soprattutto quelle femminili gli alti mai invadenti ma comunque non arrotondati artificiosamente. Sentirete la musica in modo più completo quasi da non voler mai spegnere il vostro impianto: una droga, l'unica che non fa male. Io ero scettico, visto anche il costo: mi sono invece ricreduto. Li consiglio caldamente.