2nd hand product, in good conditions, with original box, 1 year warranty.
Playstereo Cable Burn-in Service
This service is available for any of the following terminated cable set types you are purchasing in our catalogue:
- Speaker cables
- Interconnect (RCA/XLR) cables
- Mains cables
The Playstereo Cable Burn-in Service has been designed and developed to immediately obtain the very best performance from your new cables.
Please add a quantity of this service in the shopping cart for every cable set you are purchasing from us and we will send you perfectly burned-in cables. Service needs about 2 days. For reasons of time we cannot offer the service for the cables you already own.
If you are ordering more than one cable set and you request to burn-in only some of them, please set the quantities accordingly and specify into the Comment field during checkout what cable sets you do require to treat.
Introduction to cable burn-in
New cables get better with use over time (or, their quality initially varies prior to stabilize). On arrival even the best cables can sound bright and lacking harmonics, fluidity, relaxed sound, detail, musical atmosphere. Normal burn-in procedure with your Hi-Fi system can take weeks or months. Our service will allow your cables to achieve maximum performance immediately. If you don't want wait weeks or months to get the sound quality you deserve from your new cables, then we will do the burn-in service for you using a provenly efficient machines, so your cables sounds fantastic on arrival.
On our first tests, we noted that no matter how long one burns-in cables in a hi-fi system, they could never sound as good as cables burned-in on our system. This is due to the optimal design of our machines, that treat the cable in a particular way.
During normal use, there is a leakage current from electrical equipment which causes the cable to take on a charge; cable conditioning will neutralize this charge. New cables often have very high levels of electrical charge caused by the production process. In addition, gases are often trapped between the insulation and the conductor during manufacture. This can often result in new cables sounding brittle, bright and lacking in detail. These charges must be neutralized if a cable is to ever achieve its maximum performance.
Please note: in case of return of the cables that have been Burn-in serviced, the relative amount of the Burn-in service will not be refunded.