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New product
Improvement of the sound in every audible element A thin under-board made from a rare wood “Hickory”.
Hickory is a very rare wood often used for a highest grade drum stick, etc and is a miracle wood to make a drastic improvement of the sound in every audio element, i.e. Improvement in organic and deep tone, density and resolution, transparency and clearness of the sound stage, etc.
RHB-20 is a very thin under-board(20mm) suitable to install in the standard audio rack easily. RHB-20 is also suitable to use with other boards or insulators, in resulting to neutralize a peculiar characteristic of such boards or insulators.
As RHB-20 does not have its own characteristic, it does not make the sound worse by using a plural number, but makes the sound more natural and organic.
Detailed description
Using natural Hickory wood - giving superior sound quality. Achieving Organic and vivid music reproduction.
Hickory has a very tough restitution. It is used for the manufacture of drumsticks etc and has been proven to be a very rare and acoustically superior wood. It does not introduce changes in tone and has a flat frequency balance. This leads to organic, natural and vivid sound. Our under-board made from the Hickory is the RHB-20 which does not create any side-effects in the sound quality. It does create a sound reproduction with a deep bass and a clear, fresh presentation.
A 20mm thickness is optimum and suitable for insertion into commercial audio racks. This eliminates the introduction of unwanted side effects which can influence the sound. It is also possible to use the RHB-20 in combination with other audio boards to improve performance, resulting in a well balanced and open sound, free from negative colorations. Hickory has a superb effect on the musical tonality.
Dimensions: W470 X D385 X H20 mm Weight: 2.7 kg
Maximum load capability: 200 kg
2012 Summer Visual Grand Prix
2012 Visual Grand Prix
2012 Audio Accessory Excellence Award Top Prize in audio board category
Our philosophy: "To take away nothing and to add nothing".
Our goal: "To purely transmit the original source signal and to emit the most realistic sound-stage into the listening room".
This is why we created ACOUSTIC REVIVE.
Acoustic Revive is a Japan producer of audio hi-end accessories and cables designed and engineered to obtain the best results today available. Construction quality is superb so they are also used in the major recording company.
The Japanese school of hi-end accessories for the fine optimization of an audio system, is here. Acoustic Revive takes audio tweaking very seriously, introducing materials and techniques extremely advanced:
- Using aerospace materials like the Duraluminium or physiological materials like natural quartz.
- Apply special material processing like the Japanese traditional forging process of "tripleC" cables technology.
- Doing deep cryogenic treatments that, modifying the molecule structure, better the signal transmission.
- Employ demagnetizing treatments, to cancel the influence of the magnetic fields.
- Dimension and design basing on the Gold Section.
- Introduce the so-called "virtual grounding" concept.
When an audio hi-end system is treated with Acoustic Revive accessories, it sounds more detailed, natural, smooth, and also more deep, powerful and dynamic. Every Acoustic Revive product is 100% "Made in Japan".
Please note that due to distribution agreements, the Acoustic Revive products can only be shipped within Italy.
Very good product
Even though it is the brand's entry level for this type of product, I am very satisfied with it. Combined with anti-vibration bands the result is perfect. Listening is clearer, more subtle... Thank you to playstereo for their dedication and speed of shipping.
Qualità incredibile e miglioramenti del suono inaspettati!
Ho acquistato questa tavoletta Acoustic Revive RHB-20 per appoggiarvi sopra un giradischi vintage, modello Yamaha YP-450 con testina Audio Technica AT VM740ML, che era appoggiato precedentemente su di un ripiano in vetro di un tavolino Solid Steel. Prima di mettere la basetta, il suono che usciva dal giradischi era cupo, come "incassato" ed assorbito, senza lucentezza ed ariosità: dopo aver poggiato la basetta isolante sotto al giradischi (sul medesimo ripiano in vetro) tutto è cambiato, il suono prodotto da giradischi esce limpido, arioso, aperto, acuti e bassi sono in maggiore evidenza senza alcuna distorsione, non esagero nel dire che sembra di avere cambiato testina o giradischi. Sono rimasto scioccato, non pensavo che un accessorio del genere potesse influire o migliorare a tal punto la resa audio. C'è da dire che la qualità costruttiva è ai massimi livelli, la basetta si presenta solida, molto dura, assolutamente stabile, con un lato più liscio ed uno leggermente più zigrinato, sul quale era presente il sigillo del controllo qualità (ovviamente in giapponese). La Acoustic Revive si fa pagare bene per i suoi prodotti, ma la qualità degli stessi rasenta l'eccellenza se non la perfezione. Sul servizio di Playstero che dire: perfetto, consegna il giorno successivo all'ordine, nonostante il periodo prossimo alle festività natalizie. Grazie a tutto lo staff di Playstereo!