Second hand product, in very good conditions, with original box, 1-year warranty.
Violectric DHA V590 MKII Reference Quality Headphone Amplifier and DAC
Violectric DHA V590: reference quality DA converter, 32 bit resampler and headphone amplifier
Violectric presents the DHA V590, a powerful combination of DA converter, resampler/reclocker, preamplifier and headphone amp. It offers digital inputs in XLR, Cinch, optical or USB. The digital signal is then processed by the 32 bit resampling/reclocking unit before being translated to the analogue domain with ESS-Tech ES9026 PRO converter, accepting up to 384 kHz and DoP. High-quality Alps pots control level and balance for up to two unbalanced and one balanced set of headphones. The Pre Gain circuit allows for adjusting levels to match the headphones model of choice. With its high-quality metal front plate, excellent components, great connectivity and a remote control, the Violectric DHA V590 becomes the centre of a home audio system.
The full package for audiophiles – converter and headphone amp
The Violectric DHA V590 integrates a complete listening system consisting of audiophile converters with resampling/reclocking, superb preamplifier and powerful headphone amp. Each section in itself is reference quality, creating a listening experience of exceptional sonic depth in their combination. A myriad of connections and additional switching options qualifies the DHA V590 as the control centre of the home audio chain – with remote control for optimal integration.
Top-quality signal conditioning and conversion
The Violectric DHA V590 employs the ESS-Tech ES9026 PRO converter, to translate digital audio data into analogue sound, transporting digital audio from various sources with up to 384 kHz and DSD-over-PCM (DoP) into the analogue domain with outstanding quality. To get the most out of the converters, the V590 offers signal conditioning. The 32 bit resampler/reclocker receives its working frequency from a femto clock, has a dynamic range of 180 dB and practically eliminates potential jitter entirely. This enables a particularly clear resolution free from artefacts.
First-class amplification for headphones and more
The freshly converted premium audio signal is forwarded to multiple headphone outputs of the Violectric DHA V590: one balanced and two unbalanced headphone connectors stand ready on the black anodized front plate. For optimal reproduction, a Pre Gain can be set on the back of the device, adjusting the levels to the headphones type used. The front also holds a large volume pot and a balance pot to tailor the levels of left and right channel to individual requirements.
Versatility through connectivity
A host of connection options enhance the versatility of the Violectric DHA V590. Three analogue sources can be connected through one balanced XLR and two unbalanced RCA inputs. For digital signals the device offers XLR, coaxial, optical inputs and USB for PCM and DSD. Regarding outputs, the V590 has another trick up its sleeve: in addition to the three headphones outputs on the front, it also provides balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs at the back, so it can be used as a preamplifier for loudspeaker playback. Headphones and line outputs can be used individually or simultaneously. As the control centre of an audio system, all inputs and outputs can be switched on the device front or via the remote control.
High-quality components and manufacturing
In line with the Violectric commitment to quality, only the best components are used for the DHA V590. The audio signal is brilliantly translated to the analogue world by the ESS-Tech ES9026 PRO converter, and set to the right level with a motorized Alps RK 27 potentiometer and a symmetrical amplifier circuit with 16 transistors per channel. Another Alps RK 27 is used for the balance pot. Additional circuits protect the device from DC, overload and overvoltage and connected headphones by delaying initial onset when powering on the amplifier. All this electronic finesse is housed in a solid, black anodized enclosure with an eight millimetre front plate. The DHA V590 can also be equipped with a relay-based volume control with 256 steps upon request.
The DHA V590 offers:
– Remote control for input selection, resampling, volume, output and mute
– 3 x analogue stereo inputs, 2 x unbalanced via RCA, 1 x balanced via XLR
– 4 digital inputs, balanced, coaxial, optical with 24 bit and 192 kHz capability,
USB with up to 32 bits and up to 384 kHz for PCM signals, DSD 64 – 512
– 32 Bit Resampling/Reclocking with 180 dB dynamic range, modes: Off / x 1 / x 2 / x 4 / Best
– 2 x 32 bit D/A converters per channel with -112 dB THD+N and 123 dB dynamic range
– +/- 18 dB Pre-Gain for a perfect match of the DHA V590 between source and headphones
– A motorized volume control and a balance control
– 4 powerful amps offering 6400 mW Pmax into 50 Ohm and 21 V RMS into 600 Ohm
– Monitoring of the headphone output in terms of DC and overload
– Headphone path and line-out path individually selectable
– 1 x balanced headphone output with 4-pin XLR, 2 single ended outputs with 6,3 mm jack
– Line-out, 1 x unbalanced via RCA, 1 x balanced via XLR
– Adaptation of the line-out signal to the following devices in the range of +/- 18 dB
– 2 toroidal transformers, > 35,000 uF filter capacity
Technical Data:
Analogue input parameter
Inputs (stereo): 1 x XLR female, balanced, 2 x RCA, unbalanced
Max. input voltage: + 21 dBu, Input impedance: 10 kohm
Digital input parameter
Digital PCM inputs: 1 x balanced, 1 x coaxial, 1 x optical, up to 24 bit, 192 kHz
Digital USB input: PCM up to 32 bit, 384 kHz, DSD 64 – 512
Resampling / reclocking: 32 bit, up to 180 dB dynamic range
D/A converters: 32 bit dual-mono, -112 dB THD+N, 120 dB dynamic range
Line out parameter
Line outputs (stereo, analogue): 1 x XLR male, balanced, 1 x RCA unbalanced
Line-Out Gain: -18 / -12 / -6 / 0 / +6 / +12 / +18 dBr
Max. output voltage: + 21 dBu, Output impedance : 1 Ohm
Headphone amp parameter
Nominal input sensitivity: +6 dBu
Feedback gain: 0 dB unbal / +6 dB bal
PRE-GAIN: -18 / -12 / -6 / 0 / +6 / +12 / +18 dBr
Frequency range: 5 Hz … 250 kHz (- 0,5 dB)
Balance: +/- 6 dB
Output impedance: 0,15 Ohm unbal / 0,3 Ohm bal
Damping factor (Load 50 Ohm): 320 unbal / 160 bal
Dynamic range: > 131 dB (A-wtd)
Noise: < -103 dBu (A-wtd)
THD+N (1kHz/2x10V/100R = 1W) : < -102 dB / < 0,0008 %
THD+N (1kHz/2x4V/32R = 0,5W) : < -100 dB / < 0.001 %
Crosstalk: -105 dB (1 kHz) / -100 dB (15 kHz)
Headphone outputs: 1 x 4-pin XLR, 2 x 1⁄4“ (6.3 mm) jack
Palcoscenico enorme, imaging precisa e dettagliata, morbidezza degli alti, bassi giusti, non invasivi, eleganza e cura nella ricerca delle più piccole sfumature.
Insomma 2 acquisti azzeccati!!
Solo un disguido, relativo ai driver Asio di Amanero utilizzati per sincronizzare il 590 al pc: usando sia Audirvana che Roon, a me hanno creato problemi di crashing all'apertura di qualsiasi browser e qualche App; ho risolto semplicemente affidandomi ai driver Wasapi, sempre di Amanero e, per il momento è tutto O.K.
Infine un grandissimo ringraziamento alla Dottoressa Gallitto e allo staff che, come sempre, mi hanno una grossa mano nel definire l'acquisto dei 2 prodotti. Vuol dire che il Dott. Ventura sceglie accuratamente i migliori collaboratori. Ancora cordiali saluti.