Lake People G111 MKII Headphone Amplifier

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479,00 €

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Lake People G111 MKII version

PHONE AMP G111 is the successor of famous Lake People G100 which can be regarded as the ancestor of the HiFi / Hi-End units from Lake People and Violectric.  Phone-Amp G100 was the first item from Lake People which was widely used by professional and private customers. Professionals praised the indestructible construction while private users loved the exceptional sound quality.

PHONE-AMP G100 / G111 includes all major construction details which are still important:

- transistorized amplifiers for unmatched transmission quality
- smooth performing RK 27 Potentiometer for volume control
- oversized power supply with toroidal transformer

Also, PHONE-AMP G100 / G111 defined for the first time or technical guidelines which are still unique in their combination:

because of low internal gain. Therefore the self-generated noise from the amplifier is not audible.

through 60 Volt internal operating voltage. Over 90 % of all headphone amplifiers in the market offer not half that voltage !! Therefore best suited for high impedance headphones.

because of powerful amplifiers able to deliver much more current a headphone needs.  Therefore best suited for low impedance headphones and even magnetostatic cans !!

through lowest output impedance. Therefore best suited for full control even over critical headphones with the guarantee to have flatest possible response.

By the way: the launching of Violectric was due to the marketing success of PHONE-AMP G100 !

PHONE-AMP model G111-B is BLACK finish, and model G111-S is Silver finish. 

The Features:

- balanced inputs via gold plated XLR connectors
- unbalanced inputs via gold plated RCA connectors
- PRE-GAIN: gain adaption in five steps
- channel separated circuitry for minimized crosstalk
- discrete amplifier design with 4 transistors per channel (V100 Technology !)
- NF transmission band exceeds 150 kHz (-3 dB)
- High-Grade Potentiometer Alps RK 27 with optimized channel balance and lowest cross talk
- toroidal transformer, large smoothing capacitors
- outputs with relay controlled switch-on delay
- ultra compact rugged aluminum case

Technical Data

 Balanced inputs:2 x XLR (L / R), gold plated
 Unbalanced inputs:2 x Cinch (L / R), gold plated with priority
 Impedance:10K Ohm
 Amplifier Channels:2 (Stereo)
 Nom. input level:+ 6 dBu
 Overall Gain:+8 dB

... with PRE-GAIN (absolute | relative):

-4 / +2 / +8 / +14 / +20 dB | -12 / -6 / 0 / +6 / +12
 Frequency range:5 Hz – 60 kHz (-0,5 dB)
3 Hz – 150 kHz (-3 dB)
 Dynamic range:> 129 dB (A-wtd)
 Noise:< -101 dBu (A-wtd)
 THD+N (1 kHz/2x10 V/100 Ohm = 1W)-100 dB (A-wtd)
 THD+N (1 kHz/2x4 V/32 Ohm = 0,5W)-102 dB (A-wtd)
 Crosstalk:< -110 / -95 dB (@ 1 / 15 kHz)
 Max. output level (both channel driving):> 18.9 Veff in 600 ohms = 600 mW
  > 16.5 Veff in 300 ohms = 900 mW
  > 13.2 Veff in 100 ohms = 1750 mW
  > 9.2 Veff in 50 ohms = 1700 mW
  > 6.2 Veff in 32 ohms = 1200 mW
  > 3.5 Veff in 16 ohms = 750 mW
 Outputs:2 x 1/4" phone jacks
 Power supply:230 / 115 V AC max 10W
 Dimensions:125 x 47 x 168 mm (W x H x D)

Case Material:

4mm Aluminium, Black or Silver 


3mm Aluminium, Black or Silver

Introduction to Lake People

Established in 1986, we have since become your partner for professional audio electronics. Following our motto “tools - not toys”, we achieved highest reputation during the past years amongst our customers. These are private studios, broadcasters and TV companies. Also airports, congress and exhibition centres count on the reliability of our products made in Germany. This all began under the roof of Rosgartenstrasse 13 in the city of Konstanz. Here, three young guys started with the development and manufacture of limiters and noise gates but not too successfully in the beginning. The commercial survival on a very low level was made possible by the production of headphone amplifiers. From 1989 on, the production range was extended to level matching and balancing amplifiers such successfully, that it came essential to move to larger premises.

Since 1991, the new address read: Haidelmoosweg 52. Due to the developement of the first german 20-bit A/D and D/A converters in the beginning nineties, the name Lake People resounded throughout the land. Suddenly, the company was regarded as a high-tech brand, with a highly positive effect on its public reputation. The growing know-how led to many new products in the analog and digital domain during the following years. Although some projects turned out to be flops, most devices met the customers' requirements, with the effect of continuous growth of the company. By the end of the nineties the 140 m² of Haidelmoosweg 52 went cramping.
Again, a move to new premises came necessary. As it was obvious that rental facilities would not meet the demands, we decided to put up our own building. The company site was constructed in 2000 in a new industrial park in Konstanz, Turmstrasse 7a, just a hundred metres from the lake. Also in 2000, Lake People was transformed into a Ltd. company.


Introduction to Violectric

... is a trademark and product line of Lake People electronic GmbH. Lake People electronic GmbH develops, manufactures and distributes products in the professional range, for broadcast, television, airports, exhibition halls, festival venues, theatres, large-scale installations, private studios and more. In the private sector as well, Lake People products become increasingly popular due to their outstanding quality.
The Violectric trademark and product line is specially intended to supply the Hi-Fi and High-End market with its specific requirements.

Who develops Violectric equipment?

Violectric devices are exclusively developed in Germany by the engineers of Lake People electronic GmbH. In doing so, the team of developers can draw on twenty years of experience and countless products for the pro-audio domain.

Who manufactures Violectric equipment?

Violectric devices are exclusively manufactured in Germany by Lake People electronic GmbH or contractors in the company's vicinity. Lake People - and by association Violectric - put high emphasis on domestic manufacturing. As well, all component suppliers are chosen in order achieve the main part of added value inland.

Introduction to Lake People

Established in 1986, we have since become your partner for professional audio electronics. Following our motto “tools - not toys”, we achieved highest reputation during the past years amongst our customers. These are private studios, broadcasters and TV companies. Also airports, congress and exhibition centres count on the reliability of our products made in Germany. This all began under the roof of Rosgartenstrasse 13 in the city of Konstanz. Here, three young guys started with the development and manufacture of limiters and noise gates but not too successfully in the beginning. The commercial survival on a very low level was made possible by the production of headphone amplifiers. From 1989 on, the production range was extended to level matching and balancing amplifiers such successfully, that it came essential to move to larger premises.

Since 1991, the new address read: Haidelmoosweg 52. Due to the developement of the first german 20-bit A/D and D/A converters in the beginning nineties, the name Lake People resounded throughout the land. Suddenly, the company was regarded as a high-tech brand, with a highly positive effect on its public reputation. The growing know-how led to many new products in the analog and digital domain during the following years. Although some projects turned out to be flops, most devices met the customers' requirements, with the effect of continuous growth of the company. By the end of the nineties the 140 m² of Haidelmoosweg 52 went cramping.
Again, a move to new premises came necessary. As it was obvious that rental facilities would not meet the demands, we decided to put up our own building. The company site was constructed in 2000 in a new industrial park in Konstanz, Turmstrasse 7a, just a hundred metres from the lake. Also in 2000, Lake People was transformed into a Ltd. company.

  1. Hal
    2023-04-01 21:00
    Buonasera, sono alla ricerca di un amplificatore di ottimo livello per pilotare HD600 e HD650, entrambi varianti dei primi anni che mi sembra possano scalare molto con la qualità dell\'amplificazione. Sto attualmente considerando in particolare questo Lake People G111 mkII e il Violectric V202, dando priorità ad un suono che sia il meno affaticante possibile per ascolti anche prolungati. Quale dei due mi consigliereste in questo caso?
    • PlayStereo
      2023-04-03 13:57
      Buonasera, il circuito del G111 suona in modo estremamente equilibrato, completo, raffinato e musicale, e possiede una potenza di uscita notevole, il che le permette di pilotare ad alta impedenza come le sue. Estremamente raccomandato.
  2. Federico Lopez
    2022-11-17 11:30
    Quale è la differenza tra il G111 e il G111 MKII ? grazie
    • PlayStereo
      2022-11-17 13:13
      Buongiorno Federico, la versione aggiornata è uscita da poco ed è stata effettuata una revisione del circuito mantenendo inalterate tutte le peculiarità timbriche e di qualità sonora. Le differenze tra la versione precedente e la nuova MKII sono minime a livello di risultato finale, ed è meglio che sia così in quanto l’apparecchio possiede un suono già perfettamente calibrato.
  3. Giuseppe I
    2021-07-12 16:34
    Buonasera , vorrei chiedere come mai il G111 ha due ingressi bilanciati mentre le uscite sono solo da 6,35mm ? E se è cosi come mai non hanno previsto almeno un uscita in XLR o 4,4 mm cosi da poter collegare una cuffia con il relativo Jack bilanciato (Xlr o 4,4) come la HD800s ? La qualità del suono in questo modo (da bilanciato a sbilanciato) peggiora o rimane simile ? Grazie.
    • PlayStereo
      2021-07-19 10:05
      Buongiorno Giuseppe, un amplificatore per cuffie con uscita cuffia bilanciata possiede un doppio ramo di amplificazione per ogni canale. Non è così per il G111, la cui uscita cuffia è solo sbilanciata, per contenere i costi ed offrire comunque un risultato finale raffinato e potente, che supera molti altri amplificatori anche dotati di configurazione bilanciata. La presenza degli ingressi di segnale bilanciati nel G111 è un fatto indipendente dall\'eventuale presenza dell\'uscita cuffie bilanciata, ed essi vengono inseriti per comodità di utilizzo. Anche sui modelli superiori Violectric di tipo bilanciato, l\'eventuale segnale bilanciato in ingresso viene internamente gestito come sbilanciato e poi successivamente amplificato in configurazione bilanciata.
  4. Stefano
    2020-12-01 22:40
    buonasera, posseggo un pro-ject head box fa e vorrei sostituito con il G111, che differenza dal punto di vista sonoro dovrei aspettarmi di trovare? il G111 è più arido del pto-ject o più analitico? come cuffie uso delle Denon ah d5200. grazie
    • PlayStereo
      2020-12-02 16:21
      Buonasera, il G111 è ricco e armonicamente pieno, potente, fluido, raffinato e con grande senso del vero. Mi sembra un grande upgrade e abbinata eccellente anche per le Denon AHD5002.
      • Stefano
        2020-12-03 09:19
        grazie mille per la risposta
  5. Federico Lopez
    2020-11-05 14:18
    Potrei avere una comparazione con il G-103? grazie
    • PlayStereo
      2020-11-05 15:48
      Buonasera, il G111 è più potente e più raffinato rispetto al G-103, mantenendo l\'impostazione timbrica naturale e corretta, propria di Lake People.
  6. Tony Gagliani
    2020-03-17 18:37
    Salve sarei interessato a questo amplificatore per cuffie, non sono proprio un esperto in questo settore musicale, quindi avrei bisogno di un vostro consiglio, uso un ifi zen dac con delle sennheiser hd 660s collegato ad iMac per ascolto in scrivania, siccome lo zen può essere usato come preamplificatore con delle uscite rca e collegarlo ad un amplificatore esterno, e fattibile secondo voi? E comunque ne avrei un guadagno in qualità di ascolto? Accetto anche vostro consiglio per qualsiasi modello che potrebbe fare al mio caso, grazie.
    • PlayStereo
      2021-02-03 08:05
      Per il segnale in ingresso sul G111 occorre un segnale tipo LINE-OUT , è ideale per il pilotaggio dell’amplificatore. Il G111 è capace di pilotare quasi qualunque cuffia.
      • Alan Eskew
        2021-02-03 08:11

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